September Gardening Tips for the Midwest / Mountain

September Gardening Tips for the Midwest / Mountain

When should you plant spring-blooming bulbs?

When is the ideal time to fertilize your lawn?

We are halfway through the month of September, and fall is almost here. We have assembled a list of tips to help you find out what you can do in your yard this month from preparing for winter to planting trees.

September Gardening Tips

Landscaping Tips:

  • This is the perfect time to reseed your lawn. According to Better Homes and Gardens, you will want to water your lawn every day until the new seed has spouted.
  • You may find that you are mowing less often, but remember to keep your grass at about a length of only three inches.
  • Fall is the ideal time to fertilize your lawn.
  • Plant trees and shrubs this month. The Old Farmer’s Almanac recommends to plant pines, spruces and firs. This time of year is great for planting trees and shrubs because they will have plenty of time to establish their roots before the winter.

Fruit and Vegetable Tips:

  • Continue planting your fall vegetables. Discover which fall vegetables to plant quickly by reading this post: 5 Vegetables to Plant in Your Garden This Fall.
  • If any of your mature plants are starting to flop over, use a stake to help support them.
  • If your potato vine tops have turned brown, they are mostly liked dead. Start some fall clean up by digging up any leftover potatoes.
  • Continue to harvest all of your fruits and vegetables. You may find that you need to be in your garden every few days. This article will teach you how to know when to harvest your vegetables: When to Harvest Your Vegetables.

Perennial and Annual Tips:

General Gardening Tips:

  • Start thinking spring and order your spring-blooming bulbs to plant at the end of this month.

Take Away

September is a great month to prepare your lawn and garden for the fall and winter in the Midwest / Mountain Region of the U.S. From caring for your lawn, fruits and vegetables to taking care of your perennials and annuals as well as ordering your spring blooming bulbs, September is the month to plan and implement.

Your Turn
What do you have on the top of your gardening list of things to do this month?

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